How I Do My Computing

In the earlier days of my history of using Unix-like systems I used to change the tools I used -- different operating systems, programs, etc -- frequently. However as the years have gone by, I've somewhat settled down. This page outlines the software tools I use to go about my day-to-day computing.


I do most of my computing on my Framework laptop. It replaced a thinkpad x230 (which replaced an aging thinkpad x201). I run Slackware on it, which is one of only a small handful of Linux distributions that I can stand using any more.

My desktop/home server runs FreeBSD. I mostly use it as a self-hosted cloud for storing the pictures and videos I take on my phone. It has a couple of hard drives set up as a zfs pool with mirroring, in case one of them decides to finally die. I really need to start getting new hardware for it.

Lastly, my website and personal email server sit on a virtual private server, also running FreeBSD.


As you can probably guess, I like Unix-like systems: FreeBSD for servers, and Slackware for laptops. I went through a phase where I tried to do everything from within Emacs (the most important piece of software I use), but nowadays I'm pretty content with the following for daily computing:

I use a terminal for pretty much everything else.

Last edited: 2024-04-20
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